by Goldilocks, Guest contributor to the Shark Tank

Truth be told, ‘DWS’ was the one who sold out the seniors on Medicare when she pushed and voted for Obamacare which takes over $500 billion from Medicare. Yes, $500 billion with a B! That’s a half trillion!! She continues to spin that in her conniving way and never discloses that fact to her senior constituents and that it was part of the vote. She only refers to positive aspects of this bad legislation, such as coverage for preexisting conditions and extending coverage to older children.
She will say and do anything to advance her agenda and complete the tasks she was assigned by leadership, no matter what she has to do or say. That’s precisely how she got where she is, at the expense of all else, including her constituents who put here there.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
She also strongly backed Obama when he advocated for the Palestinians to take parts of Israel that the Jewish people risked life and limb for in 1967. How can any Jew ever vote for her after that? She clearly does not have their best interests at heart. Just look at her boss’s approval rating among the Jewish people.
Hopefully someone will explain that to her voters down there. She has made President Barak H. Obama’s interests her top priority to continue to garner his attention and favor. It’s sad and despicable.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is nothing more than a shameless shill that will and say or do ANYTHING to climb the ladder and always has, including selling out her constituents and the Jewish people who she claims to support. She does not consider how her actions affect her constituents, only how she can advance her career. She wants to turn Florida ‘blue’ at any cost. She is disgusting.
Finally, I thought it was truly refreshing that West had the chutzpa to call her out on it. He got fed up enough to fight back. Good for him! I think many people are cheering him on, both R’s and D’s and will contribute to her opponent’s race. She will be beaten this election. And it will be a strong and decisive defeat. People, even her aged and ailing constituents that she has buffaloed for so long, are going to turn on her and vote against her because her actions are inconsistent with her words. Plain and simple she does not tell the full truth.
Karen Harrington, a small business owner, mother, and cancer survivor, should be applauded for taking on this ‘vile’ person.