by Javier Manjarres

Perhaps the producers of Univision’s Investiga program got themselves psyched up for this dumpster dive after watching one too many reruns of ‘Scarface’.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
It’s a crazy business we’re in, ya know? – Tony Montana
Here’s an excerpt from the Univision report:
Barbara Rubio was not arrested or indicted. Cicilia was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana belonging to a crime ring implicated in the death and dismemberment of a federal informant, as well as the bribing of several Miami police officers.At the time, Marco Rubio, just 16 years old, was a student at South Miami High.
Univision asked the Senator how this epsiode affected his family and what type of relationship he had with his convicted brother-in-law. Rubio’s spokesperson, who did not deny any of the information uncovered by Univision Investiga, said he considered the issue a private family matter.-Univision (VIDEO)
Rubio’s spokesman Alex Burgos issued the following statement in response to the Univision story:
Maybe Univision is still stuck in the whole ‘Cocaine Cowboy’ excitement of the 1980’s? Or perhaps Univision thinks that Rubio is the type of guy that may kill a communist for fun; but for a green card, he’ll carve you up real nice?? Or maybe because the Senator’s full name is Marco Antonio Rubio, there’s a good chance he may have a criminal background like that of Antonio “Tony” Montana???“Quite simply, the pursuit of this story and the targeting of the Senator’s relatives, who are private citizens, is outrageous. When Senator Rubio’s sister’s husband was a younger man 25 years ago, it is a fact that he made many mistakes. He and his family have paid the price for them…This is not news. This is tabloid journalism.”
Actually, there is a rumor circulating in media circles that Cesar Conde, Univision’s President, has his sights set on a career in politics and has no qualms about taking Rubio down a notch or two in order to puff up his own political profile. But perhaps the real reason for Univision’s silly dumpster diving non-story is because of the fact that Rubio has thus far refused to entertain interview requests from their network. Univision has long been a supporter of illegal immigration on their nationally-televised programs like ‘Al Punto’ with Jorge Ramos, and they have always taken issue with anyone that is against amnesty for illegal immigrants- especially if they are hispanic like Rubio.
The folks at Univision and their Democrat sympathizers are trying their hardest to frame Rubio as being ‘anti-hispanic’, their cuddly way of telling their audience that Rubio is really a self-loathing Senator with an identity crisis. As Rubio’s national profile continues to grow in stature, he can expect more of this type of nonsense- the left and their media acolytes are desperate to take the shine off Rubio’s star knowing full well that he has the ability to effectively communicate the truth about the Democrat agenda to Hispanics in a way that returns the Democrat Party to permanent minority status in this country.
Even though Rubio has made himself available to Univision’s affiliate TV stations in the past, and with the amount of media requests his office receives everyday, Rubio will never be able to entertain all of them. But after Univision’s little hit piece, I’m guessing Rubio probably won’t be returning Univision’s calls anytime soon- I don’t come off no banana boat, ok?