by Javier Manjarres
The winner of the Republican primary in Florida’s 20th C0ngressional District will square off against DNC Chairwoman and part time Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. The primary field’s latest entrant is Americans Against Hate founder and former Chairman Joe Kaufmann.Kaufmann joins Karen Harrington, the 2010 Republican candidate who lost her 2010 General election contest to Wasserman-Schultz as the only two viable candidates in the race. Kaufmann has a staunch Pro-Israel following across the country that could make a dent for him in the Republican primary.
Joe Kaufmann went on the recently went on the record asking Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to atone for her betrayal of Israel-
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Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz believes that Israel needs to work with the Palestinian Fatah if it is to successfully broker a peace accord. However, the very blurry lines between Fatah and Hamas would render any future “peace” agreement entirely meaningless.
Kaufmann’s niche over the years has been as a vocal opponent against Islamic extremism and organizations that support it including the Center for Islamic American Relations (CAIR).In a heavily slanted Democrat district such as CD-20, Republican candidates need to run near flawless campaigns and successfully fundraise in order to have any chance of unseating Wasserman-Schultz. While Kaufmann touts his Jewish bona fides and support, he will have to look beyond Jewish confines for the necessary support that if he is to have any chance of winning the primary, let alone general election.