by Javier Manjarres
U.S. Senate candidate Adam Hasner held another conservative blogger conference call this morning as he attempts to shore up his conservative base of support. Hasner opened the call by stating why he was the only person in the race that could beat Democrat Senator Bill Nelson in 2012. The former Florida House Majority Leader also took a swipe at two of his fellow senatorial candidates Mike Haridopolos and George LeMieux. Hasner referred to Haridopolos and LeMieux both as either a “Tallahassee establishment candidate” or a “D.C. establishment candidate.“On the issue of Libya, Hasner stated his opposition to the Libyan operation from the very beginning and that President should have sought Congressional approval first instead of pandering to the the Arab League for its support:
“I’m opposed to the way in which this President took us to war in Libya, and the fact he is keeping us there without Congressional authorization and support.But now that the President has committed American troops and put them in harm’s way, he must clearly define victory and achieve it with certainty.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.If we fail in Libya, it will be another instance where President Obama’s foreign policy missteps endanger America by making us less trusted by our allies and less feared by our enemies around the world.If President Obama isn’t willing to define the mission, what victory looks like, or how we are going to achieve it, then he needs to pull our military out as soon as possible…Obama needs to clearly define victory…I don’t think he is willing to do that.”