by Javier Manjarres

West also called out the liberal left for getting their panties tied in a bunch after he went diving with some military veterans and brought the American flag with them underwater. Here is a portion of his weekly address to his constituents:
“Then it seems there are some who wanted to find something wrong with me diving with a group of combat Veterans, some disabled, with the Diveheart program. It appears that my taking a U.S. flag down to a sunken wreck (artificial reef) for us all to take pictures and video just riled up some idiot Liberals looking for anything to criticize when it comes to me. Well, doggone sorry, perhaps next time I will put on a tie-dyed shirt and jeans, dance around singing anti-war, anti-American songs, and burn a flag. Perhaps that would endear me to the delusional dummies out there who are probably just jealous because they cannot dive to 80 ft into a hard current and proudly carry an American flag. What a bunch of losers!
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Speaking of losers, has anyone seen the Code Pink crowd? It would seem appropriate for them to be out in force since we have a violation of the War Powers Act of 1973 on our hands. The President has stated this law does not apply to him since Libya is not a “war” and our men and women are not “in harm’s way” and no one is shooting at them. Tell that to their families, Mr. President. We are on the verge of a Constitutional crisis and my recommendation is that Congress cut off funding for this foray into idiocy founded upon insidious mission creep. We should also request a House Armed Services hearing requiring the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of Joint Chiefs, and the President himself to testify and explain their actions.
Hey Code Pink, your new name is Code Yellow, as in cowards, for you are nothing more than a group of misguided partisan sycophants devoid of principle, integrity, and character.
We are also becoming more aware of the reckless and irresponsible actions of the Obama administration in the conduct of Operation Fast and Furious. We now know the Obama Justice Department oversaw an operation whereby weapons were flooded into the Mexican drug cartel resulting in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent by one of these weapons.“- Congressman Allen West