Let’s not forget that this same criticism was leveled by those who tried to brand then candidate, and now Senator Marco Rubio as the same sort of cap and trade flip-flopper when he served as Speaker of the House in 2008. Back in 2008, Hasner and other Republicans in the state legislature thwarted Governor Charlie Crist from implementing a cap and trade plan. Hasner co-sponsored a bill that is now being cited as proof that he did support a cap and trade plan, but at the time of its proposal, the bill was ripped by environmentalists who believed it would “weakens the system” that Crist wanted to impose.
While it’s not typical to brag about weaker legislation that you co-sponsor, Hasner was effectively neutering Crist’s far more coercive cap and trade scheme. Hasner has recently signed the Americans for Prosperity No Climate Tax Pledge and the Contract from America, both of which state opposition to cap and trade, and he has also signed a Pledge to Floridians vowing to oppose any cap and trade if elected to the U.S. Senate.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)