by Javier Manjarres

” You are either for it, or you are against it. “If you are against it , you are with Senator Bill Nelson, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid and President Barack Obama, and against Marco Rubio”
Hasner expressed his full support of the Ryan Medicare measure two weeks ago and has not shown any signs of hedging on the issue as some Republicans in Washington, D.C., are beginning to do. Defending the Ryan Medicare could be problematic for Republicans if they cannot articulate a clear response the the demagoguery that is sure to come from Democrats, as they will trying to create the narrative that Republicans are all about wanting to kill Granny. While the Ryan plan is not perfect solution, the plan does not change Medicare for those over 55 and it is a realistic plan that confronts Medicare’s inevitable insolvency.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The GOP can easily make the case for the Ryan plan, all its members need to do is articulate a clear and understandable message that outlines the objective of the plan and contrast that with the alternative of doing nothing, which is what Democrats are essentially advocating. Republicans don’t have any other alternative here- it’s either stand up for fact-based budgeting or get swept away with the tide- capitulating to Democrats on this issue gains you a ticket home. Fortunately for the Party, representatives such as Senators Marco Rubio and Rand Paul along with Congressional representatives Allen West, Steve Southerland and Michele Bachmann have proven that they would not back down from countering the misleading campaign that is sure to be waged upon them by the Obama Administration and the DNC. There is simply no need for panic in the wake of NY-26- it’s time to sharpen our message and gird our loins, the messaging battle can be won.