by Javier Manjarres
POLITICO’S recent article entitled “Marco Rubio takes a hard line on immigration” is yet another example of the establishment media’s near complete obtuseness when it comes to reporting on the issue of illegal immigration. It demonstrates once again that establishment media outlets are not only incapable of making a distinction between legal and illegal immigration, but they are also guilty of promoting the not so veiled assumption that because you happen to be Latino or Hispanic, the only acceptable position for you to take on the issue is to support non-enforcement of our immigration laws and amnesty for those who have arrived here illegally. As a fellow ‘American’ from a Latino background, I continually ask the following question to those who support non-enforcement of our immigration laws- “Cual es su problema con la ley?” Why is it somehow permissible for every other country on earth- particularly Mexico- to strictly enforce their country’s immigration laws, but not the United States?
As a matter of fact, Mexico has a rather draconian anti-illegal immigration law that it enforces along its country’s southern border, yet it does not enforce its northern border. The reason for this is obvious- Mexico essentially exports its underclass and benefits from US dollars coming from illegal workers that send their money back home as well as from the illegal drug and arms trade that benefits the regional drug lords, so it’s in their complete interests to keep our shared border open, but not their one with Guatemala.
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Most recent Hispanic immigrants that have come to this country, particularly the ones that have fled from oppressive Latin American governments, have very strict conservative backgrounds as well as respect for the law, and they look to the U.S. as a beacon of law and order-a place to live freely and to prosper financially. And yet pro-amnesty activists continue to expect that simply because Senator Marco Rubio is of Cuban descent and speaks fluent Spanish, he is obligated to support their amnesty measures and open borders policies.
While Rubio’s past record on the issue in the Florida House of Representatives was somewhat muddied by the fact that he did not support six immigration reform bills, this fact should lead most level headed people to believe that he’s not exactly the kind of guy who wants to pack buses full of illegal immigrants and send them back to Mexico pronto. What Rubio does offer are some very common sense ideas to deal with the illegal immigration problem, such as the implementation of a national E-Verify program that if enforced, would facilitate a voluntary exodus of illegal immigrants. It’s an enforcement through attrition type of stance, and this type of immigration proposal falls in line with the sentiments of a clear majority of Americans.“To be against comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship and against the DREAM Act defines you in the Latino immigrant community as a hard-liner and an enemy of the community,” said Frank Sharry, founder and executive director of America’s Voice, a pro-immigration advocacy group.
Sharry’s statement is already a clear front runner for the most asinine statement of the year. To ignorantly assert that because Senator Rubio does not agree with the pro-amnesty crowd, he’s now “an enemy of the Latino community,” Sherry unmistakably demonstrates that he is nothing more than bigoted activist, and it’s the kind of statement wes expect from groups that do not have any respect for the rule of law.
The real ‘rub’ about this issue is that these organizations and their agenda are supported by the Democrat Party in hopes that they will recruit these illegals to the Democrat ranks if an amnesty measure were to pass in Congress. But at the same time, the Democrat Party is also scared to death of the “Rubio Factor”, because if Rubio successfully holds the line against these groups and continues to emphasize the clear distinction between legal and illegal immigration to the masses, it’s likely that wide swaths of Hispanics will follow his lead. Pro-amnesty groups with their grievance-based agenda against the United States along with their supporters in the Democrat Party are dreading the potential influence that Rubio can ultimately bring to bear that would successfully undercut their lawless agenda. Politico can try all day long to have you believe that clear majorities of Hispanics support passage of the DREAM ACT and other amnesty measures, but that support just isn’t there. Better luck next time, amigos.