by Javier Manjarres
In this third and final installment of my D.C. interview with Senator Marco Rubio, Rubio discusses the strains the position of Senator has made on him and on his family, and how he continues to work with his wife Jeanette (the real boss) to keep a balance between politics and family. Rubio is father to 4 small children, and his two boys are already demonstrating far superior athletic ability than Senator Rubio ever displayed at Tarkio College. Rubio talks about his obsession with the sport of football (not the ‘real’ Futbol, but he American version) and considers a possible future in the sport. Suffice is to say that Rubio’s future in the sport of football will merely be a ‘fantasy football’ career, since he is now pushing 40 and his days of thinking he is a ‘high performance athlete’ are behind him.
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