by Lone Shark
It appears that State Senator Thad Altman (R-Viera) cannot constrain his phony moralizing about Governor Rick Scott’s wise and correct decision to nix High Speed Rail here in Florida. Altman is apparently outraged that 15 other states are splitting $2 billion in federal monies that had been designated for Florida’s high speed rail project before Governor Scott evaluated the proposal and turned it down. While many viewed Scott’s decision as a fiscally prudent one that pushed back against misguided federal initiatives, politicos such as New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand aren’t the least bit embarrassed about advertising their reckless profligacy while still getting their digs in at the Governor.
Here’s Sen. Altman on the warpath against Governor Scott:
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“This is almost propaganda,” Altman said. “It’s all proven to be false and as a result we’ve lost money for would have been the most modern transportation system in America, if not the world.”
“He intentionally ignored the facts to make a political point,” Altman continued. “It was a political move to prevent the president from having a project awarded to Florida.“In his disdain for the president and his zeal to make him look bad, he was even willing to hurt the people of Florida.”
No, Senator Altman, it is you who are operating in denial of both the realities of high speed rail and our current fiscal predicament. The question you need to be asked is why do you support borrowing more money we do not have from China in order to finance transportation systems that are long term fiscal losers? And if the 15 other states who got the two billion dollars want to act foolishly and drive themselves further into debt than they already are, why on earth does Florida have to follow them off the cliff, Senator Altman? Your constituents would love to hear your answers to those questions…