by Lone Shark
It goes without saying that ignorance is our most expensive commodity- it’s the reason why our government officials can get away with so much of their corruption, their overtly destructive policies, and their outrageous statements without being held accountable. And for newly appointed DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the contiunance of her career as a congresswoman is completely dependent on the widespread prevalence of ignorance throughout her congressional District. How else could she look into the camera with a straight face and make the claims she did last Friday?
Trying to deflect criticism of the Obama Administration’s Energy policies, Wasserman-Schultz hit the airwaves to assure us all that Democrats are ‘really concentrated” on oil production. If you believe that one, I’ve got an oil platform off the coast of Florida i’d like to sell you. What Debbie should have said is that the Obama Administration is really concentrated on thwarting domestic oil production and exploration instead of using misleading rhetoric and statistics to create a false narrative that is completely betrayed by the hard realities on the ground- particularly in the Gulf of Mexico.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
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Touting recent data that shows oil production from the Outer Continental Shelf has increased by more than a third between 2008 and 2010, Wasserman-Schultz attempted to take credit for the end result of leases that were approved under the Bush Administration. In fact, all of the production increase recorded is attributable to action that predates Obama taking office, and Democrats, in full control of the Congress in 2009 and 2010, did not take any major action expanding offshore drilling those years.“We have the most domestic oil production that we’ve had in recent years.” – DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Since January of 2009, the Obama Administration has “accomplished” nothing other than the orchestration of misdirection and outright obstruction when it comes to oil exploration and production. In March 2010, the administration offered a highly dubious plan to expand offshore drilling- in actuality, it took more area offline than it approved for drilling- but all of these proposed expansions were completely halted in the aftermath of the BP oil spill, where a de facto drilling moratorium has persisted with tens of thousands of people losing their jobs.
“We’ve got to ween ourselves off of dependence on oil- period.” – Wasserman-Schultz
It’s possible Wasserman-Schultz simply misspoke in this instance – perhaps maybe Wasserman-Schultz meant weening ourselves off of “foreign” oil- but it’s entirely plausible that she didn’t misspeak and she wants to oversee an energy policy that is not only ruinous to our economy, but also transitions us from an oil-based economy to highly unreliable “renewables” such as solar and wind that do not generate enough concentrated power because of their low power densities.
No matter how many myths Wasserman-Schultz continues to spread about energy, the hard truth is that we need to increase production of the real “Big 3”- Oil, Gas, and Nuclear- NOW. We have two decades of excuses and foot-dragging to overcome- if we expect to have a competitive economy in the decades ahead and enjoy the level of societal prosperity we’ve become accustomed to, aggressive oil and gas exploration and production needs to commence without delay.