by Javier Manjarres
Congressman Allen West’s weekly update gave a big salute to the U.S. Navy Seals for ‘taking out’ Osama Bin Laden. West also questioned Pakistan’s complicity for harboring the most wanted terrorist in the world.
What an incredible week, as I got the news last Sunday about the killing of the personification of evil, Osama bin Laden. A special salute to our US Navy SEALS and Special Operators who executed a flawless, zero illumination, cross-border raid to kill the embodiment of the radical Islamist ideology and terrorist movement. This is truly indicative of the level of training, expertise, and professionalism of the men and women who man the ramparts of freedom’s frontier.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.This former soldier is damn proud of y’all!- Congressman Allen West
What is disturbing is the fact that this maniacal individual was residing for the past five years in a compound within 1000 meters of the Pakistan Army version of West Point. The town of Abbottabad is home to the Pakistan Army’s 2d Division. What we have here is a case of either ignorance, incompetence, or complicity… any one of these possible situations causes grave concern. The sum of all three is reason for great consternation.
We are the United States of America, we don’t need to be disrespected and played for fools by any nation. We must send an immediate message to Pakistan. No more funding. Return the UH-60 tail boom.
All this week I heard insidious excuses of “we do not seek to incite.” I suppose there are those who fail to realize the Islamic jihadists are already incited, and have been for quite some time. One only has to remember the murder of Leon Klinghoffer to understand the level of depraved humanity against which we contend.
Osama bin Laden is dead. Now let us look to the next phase: killing Mullah Omar, Alawi, al Zarawhiri, and any other head of the hydra that rises-up. We are engaged in the definitive struggle of individual freedom and liberty against the dark ideology of Islamism which promotes a 7th century tribal ideology of subservience, subjugation, and submission to the mystics, mullahs, clerics, and imams.
And for you fearful souls who would criticize the aforementioned words, do not bother… refer back to the admonition of my Mom. Let us end the appeasement of murderous ideologues and the mindless lemmings who subscribe to their prescription of terror.
There will be retaliatory attacks because these Islamic terrorist groups must prove their relevance and viability. While there is a sense of disarray, we should press forward the attack and maintain the initiative. The last thing we should believe is that the death of Osama bin Laden changes the game, quite the opposite, it intensifies it.As a former combat Commander, I know what it is like to send American men out on missions, and accompany them. It is a responsibility I never took lightly. However, the mantle of leadership is heavy and not all are able to carry it… .but the true leader looks past the current and visualizes the coming fight.