by Javier Manjarres
Congressman Allen West’s weekly wrap-up letter to constituents acknowledged the demise of Osama Bin Laden as a victory in the war on terror, and he also highlighted a couple of funny moments provided by our friends over at Code Pink during a townhall meeting this past week in Boca Raton, Florida.The week ended with the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks finally meeting his maker and paying form the consequences of his decisions to attack the United States and kill thousands of innocent victims. The United States military served ultimate justice on this evil individual.
Osama bin Laden did not die of natural causes. He died because our military led by General David Petreaus and assisted by our Intelligence Community, hunted him down and then took him down in a special operations attack at his compound in Pakistan.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We must acknowledge President Obama for given the order and commend General Petraeus and the Special Forces who carried out this critical mission, as well as all of the Men and Women in uniform. Former President George W. Bush stated, “America has sent an unmistakable message… no matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”
Osama bin Laden is Dead… Justice has finally been served! Long live the United States of America!
This was the second week of the two week Easter Constituent work (District) work period.
Now…on to the rest of the week!We ad our monthly town hall meetings and it was our first time instituting a new question and answer process. After the previous town hall meetings, it became apparent that we could not control persons at the microphone, and not wanting to be disrespectful or cut them off, we believed getting the questions written down would help smooth out the process.
Therefore we instituted a process which I found very effective- used in many settings as this, most recently by the Forum Club of the Palm Beaches. Our constituents were able to submit a question on a card. The cards were then given to the individuals hosting our town hall meeting. The hosts then arranged the cards and handed them over to the moderator for the evening. The hosts did not eliminate any questions because of the subject matter. I had no knowledge of what the questions were or in what order to ask them prior to stepping on stage. The result was that in two evening town hall meetings we responded to more than 100 questions from our Constituents. That’s more than double our previous town halls.
Of course, we did find that there are those who do not have any substance to add to the intellectual discourse of the town hall and sought to be completely disruptive. I must advise those who believe in using expletives in referring to me, it is not an effective communications method, and certainly shall not produce timidity in me, you actually elicit quite the opposite.
I must share these two funny anecdotes; first was the response to a question from a woman at the Boca Raton town hall which inspired this woman to stand and shout, “That was my question and you did not answer it the way I wanted you to.” Now, if that is not a clear indication of liberal progressive “controllitis” then tell me what is?
The second really humorous moment was looking out and seeing Code Pink women with pink tape over their mouths. (Shark Tank Video-Code Pink)Special hat tip to Calvary Chapel (Pastor Bob Coy and staff), Mae Volen Senior Center (Director Elizabeth Lugo and staff), and the law enforcement officers of Ft. Lauderdale and Boca Raton who ensured there was a safe and professional environment for those attending. Speaking of Code Pink, this past week, America lost 21 servicemen and women in Afghanistan and Iraq, mainly Afghanistan. Has anyone seen any protests by Code Pink? Has anyone seen any coverage of this in the media this week? Where is Cindy Sheehan, since she is soooo concerned about our troops. Has Code Pink staged any protests of the opening of a new combat theater of operations in Libya?
The duplicitous hypocrisy would be laughable if not so pathetic! To the families of the Men and Women who will not be coming home, especially to the children, I send my most sincere and humble condolences. If there is one thing I despise about liberals and their complicit media allies, their faux concern for our Military…which after this past week, we must all recognize is rooted in political expediency, not sincerity.
This week the media also missed the communications between the leader of Pakistan and Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai imploring him to reject a long term security arrangement with the United States. Instead, Pakistan admonished Karzai to enter into agreements with them and China, this in the same week where countless Americans gave their lives for Afghan freedom?
Yes, I am miffed about this and the day is soon coming, at least in my assessment and perspective, when we bid farewell to Karzai and his culture of corruption. My focus would be solely on executing precision strike operations against Islamic terrorist groups wherever they seek to establish sanctuary, no more nation-building, occupation-style warfare.
As well, it seems President Obama forget to discuss a very important Middle East political alliance while he was on Oprah Winfrey’s show. This week Hamas and Fatah announced they would establish a unity government. As of recent days, there has been an increase of rocket and mortar fire coming from Gaza into southern Israel, seems those new Democratic Egyptians have given Hamas a green light.We all know that Hamas has clearly stated in its charter the destruction of Israel as an objective…one can only surmise that Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority share those goals. Our office released a statement this week requesting the immediate cessation of American taxpayer support, and military support, to the Palestinian Authority. It is time we evidence where our allegiance lies… let us pray that this Obama Administration has the right allegiance, which means no unilateral UN recognition of a Palestinian state, or shall a say, an Islamic terrorist state, this summer.