by Javier Manjarres

I told Mr. Ramos that it was not an issue for me, however Cardona stated that it felt like the ‘Republican Extremists’ were not finished harping on the birth certificate issue,and would only continue to critique its authenticity. Cardona did not stop reiterating this Democrat talking point and argument throughout the segment, but when she was reminded that the original “birthers” were actually the supporters of Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democrat Presidential Primary race. Cardona responded by saying that I was lying, completely ignoring the facto that I specifically said it was “Clinton supporters” and not Hillary Clinton herself or her campaign that put out the initial rumors and doubts about President Obama’s place of birth. I also reminded them that it was a Democrat who filed the 2008 lawsuit to force then candidate Senator Obama to produce this birth certificate.
Ramos and Cardona also took issue with my assertion that back in 2004, Democrats questioned President Bush’s military service and demanded that he release his military records, saying that it was not the same as requesting Obama to release his birth certificate, but I beg to differ. There were indeed wild conspiracy theories put out by the Democrat Party about President Bush, but to them, it’s only ok to question former President Bush and not President Obama.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Ramos brought up the Donald Trump factor, and I called it for what it was- an Obama loss to Trump. I stated that Trump was able to put Obama on the defensive and keep him there- Cardona agreed that it was a bad move on Obama’s part to entertain the issue by defending himself publicly in a press conference. Throughout the interview, Cardona stayed on her ‘Republican Extremist’ talking points up until the subject of Congressman Allen West came up, reminding her about the ignorant extremists were from Code Pink and that were interrupting West’s townhall meetings, leading to the arrest of one of the liberal Democrat activists.