by Javier Manjarres

The video is about 7 min long, yet there’s a lot of interesting insight you can glean from this young operative, some of which is cringe-worthy- so brace yourselves.
[vsw id=”L5YTDEfZVcw” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Jackie has commented in the comments section that the Shark Tank has “lied” and that she is not a member. However, the following screen capture of her Twitter page confirms otherwise- isn’t her socialist-inspired wallpaper so attractive?
“Yeah that’s me in the video and the above statement made by Javier Manjarres is a bold faced LIE. I DID NOT “admit to being part of the effort to attend and intentionally disrupt the Town Hall meetings of Congressman West and other Republicans around the country.” I simply attended what I thought was going to be a town hall meeting where Allen West would take questions directly from his constituents (like me) and answer them in an open forum.”

Jackie, your freedom of speech will always be safe and sound here at the Shark Tank….