by Javier Manjarres

Hasner has rolled out a 10-point pledge to Floridians which included opposition to and a ban on all earmarks; and that he he would work to help implement a simpler, fairer, tax code. Hasner was asked to comment about George LeMieux’s criticism earlier that morning that while in the Florida Legislature, Hasner voted to raise taxes. Hasner responded by saying that LeMieux’s voting record during his 16 month stint in the U.S. Senate “needs to be examined a little closer” and that he (LeMieux) is “the Maestro of everything Charlie Crist.” Hasner also defended his voting record by saying that he voted against the cigarette tax that Crist favored and signed into law, but had to vote to approve the budget that same year. Hasner restated his opposition to the cigarette tax or any other tax or fee increase that was included in that budget.
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In what was nothing short of a clear swipe at LeMieux, Hasner claimed that unlike LeMieux, “he doesn’t have to try to reinvent himself, or try to rewrite history in 2012,” like Senator LeMieux is currently attempting to do.
In case anyone is wondering why these two are exchanging barbs so early on in the race, you can read up on the all the internecine fun from the Charlie Crist/Jim Greer Vs. Marco Rubio campaign here.