by Javier Manjarres
Governor Rick Scott and the Florida legislature promised Floridians an immigration reform law similar to the infamous Arizona immigration law passed by that state last summer. The Florida legislature now is considering a two bills in both the House and Senate with hopes that they will once and for all settle the immigration reform issue in Florida. While these bills are welcome as a beginning to a dialogue on immigration reform, the bills fall short of the ‘Arizona style’ provisions promised last election cycle. The House of Representatives is moving swiftly on HB7089, a bill that similar to Arizona’s immigration bill.The bill, HB7089 which includes the E-Verify and police enforcement provisions that were included in the ‘Arizona’ bill language that is now up for debate on the House floor. However, all is not rosy on the Senate side, as the illegal immigration discussion seems to have been hijacked by Republican Senator and Judiciary Committee Chairwoman Anitere Flores (handpicked by Senate President Mike Haridopolos to lead the immigration debate), with her expressed opposition of HB 7089. Flores is partial to the immigration reform bill she sponsored, SB2040, which is opposed to E-Verify, a system she feels it is flawed. Read: FL Senate Caves on Immigration Bill
In reality, the only flaw in E-Verify is that employers are required to hire the individual first before running them through the E-Verify system, so why not run them through E-Verify when they actually apply for a job? Another Senator who has fallen in line with Flores is Senator Renee Garcia of Miami, who also happens to be the head honcho of the Hispanic Caucus in the Florida legislature.
This is truly unfortunate to see these two Senators show their disrespect for ‘all’ Floridians, and not just the the voting constituents in their heavily ‘Hispanic’ communities. While their districts are represented by a large Hispanic contingency, not all of the Hispanic voters in their districts are Cuban or Cuban-American, who tend to side with the rule of law and oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. Flores and Garcia are obviously showing their lack of integrity by pandering to the ‘left side’ of the immigration equation and showing us how irresponsible they are by not ascertaining the real problems that illegal immigration brings.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The issue of immigration reform in our state is critical and definitely requires more discussion,” Garcia said in the statement. “One thing for certain, however, is my opposition to HB 7089, which presents a significant threat to individual freedom because of the potential of racial profiling.”
“SB 2040 is not perfect; however, it offers some reasonable solutions to the perceived illegal immigration problems in our state,” he added. “With further discussion, we may be able to compromise on achieving acceptable immigration reform that is friendly to economic growth.”– Senator Renee Garcia (R)
Unfortunately, ‘Big Business’ includes the Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries, Florida Fruits and Vegetable Association, etc.- these are the players in the driver’s seat on this issue because any immigration reform would force their businesses to hire solely ‘legal’ workers, costing these companies big bucks in higher wages and health insurance premiums.
What are some of these blaring problems I speak of- well let’s just ask why Socialist money-man George Soros is taking such an interest in Florida’s illegal immigration debate by funding dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups within the state and across the country? Not only is Soros funding radical groups like La Raza, Soros is currently funding the Florida Immigrant Coalition(FLIC) who is putting up hurdles to sidetrack legislation that keeps illegal immigrants from being employed by business that are breaking Federal law by hiring these illegal immigrants. So is it fair to say that the entire Hispanic Caucus of the Florida Legislature is working in tandem with George Soros and his Socialist pro-amnesty agenda? Next, let’s ask ourselves why Muslim groups sympathetic or not to Radical Islam are all of a sudden big proponents for granting a pathway to citizenship to illegal immigrants? This seems kind of odd, since these Muslim groups have never really been outwardly active on this issue.
Is it plausible to say that maybe the Islamic extremist have caught on to the fact that the U.S. has a very weak immigration policy, coupled with a very porous border with Mexico? Again, Soros through his surrogate Subhash Katell of the Florida Immigrant Coalition, is also behind this movement. Recent reports have confirmed that radical Islam is operating south of the US-Mexico border, and the U.S. Border Patrol has confirmed to have found pro- Islamic garb and paraphernalia along the border.
Now in all fairness, I am not saying that all Muslims are radical and have subscribed to the destruction of American, but if we learned anything from what happened on September 11, 2001, is that it only took 19 of these extremists to bring America to it’s knees. Here is a Facebook screen capture of one of these Muslim groups organizing here in Florida.United Voices United Voices is joining the We Are Florida! campaign by phone banking Florida Legislators to get a firm answer on their position of anti-immigration bills. Specifically, we will be asking about 287(g) and their decision to support bills prior to a full budget impact analysis. Will YOU join us to make these important calls tomorrow? Write on our wall and we will send you a list of calls to make!So again, in the spirit of fairness, is it fair to say that the Hispanic Caucus of the Florida Legislature, specifically ranking members Flores and Garcia, are both recklessly trying to scuttle the illegal immigration debate by appeasing their special interests and pandering to their illegal immigration proponents? Are these Hispanic legislators turning a blind eye to the fact that the illegal immigration issue is more of a security issue than a race issue? These legislators have proven to be just that, typical legislators. This being said, it can also be said that they will be looking to run for re-election, and/or run for higher office-meaning that their campaigns would be in the hands of the educated voter-beware of sharp teeth.
Senator Anitere Flores (R) – (850) 487-5130