Breitbart contends that most of todays’ social issues are either caused or exaggerated by a political agenda pushed by the mainstream media- a media that gave us Barack Obama and is pushing an agenda that threatens to undermine civil society.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Not only can you take assaults, you can weather them and be strengthened by them — and gain the power to punch back, to go onto the offensive. Our opponents have spent so many years on the offensive with people lying prone at their feet that they’ve forgotten what it’s like to be on the defensive. If we come after them, they won’t know how to respond.” – Righteous Indignation, Andrew Breitbart
In Part II of our interview, Breitbart says his book is about waking up more people, and to tell these people “that the way to defeat an Obama, who is defeatable, who is a failed President is not to defeat Obama, it’s to aim the targets at the mainstream media- they are the ones that got this guy elected.” Listen to Breitbart’s ‘history lesson’:
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