Congressman Allen West will be addressing a diverse group of Broward County Conservatives for an event scheduled after the Tea Party Tax Day Protest. He is scheduled to speak approximately at 10:30 PM immediately after arriving from Washington DC to FTL.
Where: The Post Rally celebration/Party shall be at the Fort Lauderdale Fireman’s Benevolent Hall, 309 S.W. 26th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315. Located behind Lester’s 24-Hour Diner on State Road 84, near the Florida National Guard Armory.
Who: Organized by a coalition of Conservative organizations: The 912 War, 912 Project broward groups, the American’s Citizen Leagues, Broward Independence, Sunrise Tea Party, Army of One, and many Independent Broward Volunteers.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Why: Many in the community are still upset over the way the country is heading financially. In 2009 and 2010 we held the event to voice our concerns over three main fiscal points:
1) The tax burden is too high on the individual and business;
2) The governments, local, state and national, are spending outside their means and must drastically cut spending; and3) We borrow to maintain our spending levels and the national debt is too high. We fear that this type of spending can only lead to a collapse in the United States fiscal stability, and Washington DC is turning a deaf ear to We the People!
Media Visuals: There are good visuals downtown with the four corners to set up on with the Sun Sentinel Building as a back drop as well as the unique architect of the Federal Building. The police will be placing barricades during the event so show up early.
At the Post Rally event at the Ft. Lauderdale Fireman’s Benevolent Hall there will be ample space for TV camera to set up and film Congress Allen West who is scheduled to arrive at 10:30 PM. The media will be allowed to ask questions should Congressman West feel up to it since he might be tired for coming in late.
For more information contained in this release, please contact
Gabriel Jose Carrera, Esq.; or visit