by Javier Manjarres
With uncertainty looming in the U.S.-Pakistani alliance in the war on terror, many political observers are wondering who will step up take the lead in criticizing President Obama’s continued lack of leadership and disengagement for not promptly responding to Pakistan’s demand for the U.S. to withdraw all intelligence and military forces from the country. Congressman Allen West (R-FL) was quick to respond to the story that broke early this week, but since then there’s been barely a whimper from the rest of his colleagues in Congress about the matter.Probable U.S. Senatorial candidate Adam Hasner from Boca Raton is an avowed opponent of “sharia compliant” Islam and the radical elements that are rooted within Sharia Law. Hasner has been an adamant supporter of Israel and he has come under scrutiny and attack from several Muslim organizations that have identified him as an ‘infidel’ of sorts due to his strong rhetoric against Muslim extremism.
In response to a post in which Congressman Allen West commented on this same issue, Mr. Hasner proactively engaged the conversation with this strong rejoinder that outlined Pakistan’s only option and singled out President Obama’s failed foreign policy:
Hasner has announced a Senate Exploratory Committee, but has not yet signaled as to if he were going to run against Senator Bill Nelson in 2012. If Hasner were to enter the race, he would face a very contentious primary with former U.S. Senator George LeMieux and Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos. Senator Haridopolos has just posted $2.6 million in donations for the first quarter of this year.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We need a clear national security policy that ensures the Pakistanis understand they risk of international isolation they face if they fail to control the terrorists and Islamic extremists in their midst. America has been a strong security partner for Pakistan. It is my hope they will understand that our aid and support is not unconditional, and that they will work in cooperation with our intelligence and special-operations personnel in a joint effort to eliminate Al Qaida and Taliban elements that threaten both their national survival and pose a real danger to stability in the region.
Further, America must continue to track, capture and bring to justice global Islamic terrorists who threaten the lives and security of Americans. Barack Obama’s first two years in office were marked by pointless attacks on the national security policies of the Bush Administration, feel-good, terrorist-coddling policies such as civilian trials for terrorists and the promise to the Left of closing GITMO. Those policies are being reversed by reality, but we must return to the policy of peace through strength and forceful prosecution of the war on