by Javier Manjarres

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Karen Harrington Declares Her Candidacy for U.S. Congress in FL-20
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Davie, Florida, (March 28, 2011)– South Florida small business owner and 2010 Republican candidate for Congress Karen Harrington has declared her candidacy for United States Congress in Florida’s 20th Congressional District in 2012.
As a first-time candidate in 2010, Harrington garnered nearly 40 percent of the vote in her race against incumbent Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.“Today, I formally announce my campaign for U.S. Congress. For those of you who know me, you know me as a neighbor and small business owner who has been privileged to serve the Broward community for nearly four decades. You also know that I am fully committed to ensuring that the people’s business throughout the District is not needlessly stifled by government intrusion. As I’ve had the opportunity to listen and meet with the residents of the district out on the campaign trail over the past few years, it is very clear that your concerns mirror my concerns about both our economy and the direction of our country, and we can no longer remain on the sidelines as our country slides into further debt and fiscal insolvency.
“My campaign for U.S. Congress is not premised on towing a party line or walking in lock step with the Republican establishment. The duty that comes before all others is safeguarding the prosperity and liberties of the people of the 20th Congressional District, and I will never waver in my resolve from that commitment.
“It is my intention to broadly communicate our campaign’s ideas to all voters throughout District 20, regardless of party affiliation, as to how we can preserve our prosperity and our liberties through common sense and principled solutions that will put our country back on a fiscally sustainable path. I will be a tireless advocate for proven ideas that roll back government regulation and taxation and allow South Florida’s small businesses to prosper. Ours will be a campaign of new ideas and real hope for the future direction of our country, and I intend to take our campaign’s message directly to the district’s constituents early and often.”