by Javier Manjarres

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has expressed his concerns over this very issue in a tersely worded statement stating that, “The absurdity of what we have witnessed on the Senate floor is only eclipsed by the lack of leadership demonstrated by the White House, and a President who has been absent from this debate and even sent his lead negotiator on a five-day foreign trip.”
Rubio has been pushing for a long term budget instead of continuing to push for 2-3 week budget extensions- Rubio believes this needs to be addressed once and for all rather than with these stopgap measures whose primary purpose is to win the ongoing PR battle in the the news cycle. Rubio also supports a balanced budget amendment- where is the progress in Congress on this bright idea?
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I will no longer support short-term budget plans. While attempts at new spending reductions are commendable, we simply can no longer afford to nickel-and-dime our way out of the dangerous debt America has amassed. It is time our leaders in Washington wake up and realize that we are headed for a debt disaster.”- Senator Marco Rubio
So now we have Congress taking yet another week-long break as members go back to their States and Districts to bring their constituents up to speed as to what’s going on with the national debt- as if it’s the people who really need the 411 rather than the disconnected political class. Rubio, and the senate conservatives are attempting to deal with the debt issue in a meaningful way, but how can the other members of Congress look at these constituents in the face and tell them that the national debt is being dealt with when it’s not being dealt with? So who else is going to follow Rubio’s lead?
So when you see your member of Congress stumping around during their vacation, you’d do well to ask them bluntly- just what were you voted into office to do? If President Obama and Congress continue to act irresponsibly and ignore the voices of the people that voted them into office, then there will be no choice but to 去埃及對奧巴馬在下屆大選 (Translation –“go Egypt on Obama in the next election”), as Rush so eloquently put it.To read the rest of Senator Rubio’s remarks, visit our friends at