U.S. Federal District Judge Roger Vinson has ruled that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, is unconstitutional, the second such Federal District Court Judge to do so. The suit was initially filed by former Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, and McCollum was ultimately joined by 25 other states in bringing the case before the Northern District of Florida in Pensacola last March. McCollum initially brought the lawsuit challenge ObamCare’s provision that requires people to purchase health insurance in addition to the provisions that compel state governments to spend more on health care services through Medicaid.
While the ruling isn’t really a surprise, it cannot be denied that it is yet another major blow in the eyes of the public to the legitimacy of ObamaCare. Key provisions of the ObamaCare are a clear violation of the Commerce Clause- for a judge to rule otherwise essentially renders the Commerce Clause meaningless. Rest assured, the Left will downplay and discredit the verdict, and we’re sure to hear more misleading commentary about the so-called the “partisan rhetoric” and bias that they believe Judge Vinson used to reach his verdict.
“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void. This has been a difficult decision to reach, and I am aware that it will have indeterminable implications.” – Judge Roger Vinson
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The time is now for a “throwdown” if you will on Constitutional provisions that have been conveniently ignored for decades- particularly over the Commerce Clause. ObamaCare’s provisions not only violate the Commerce Clause, they also violate the plain language other clauses and Constitutional amendments. The original intent of the Commerce Clause was to prevent economic protectionism and anti-competitive business practices by the states, effectively ensuring that the entire United States would be one giant free enterprise zone- yet look how far we have strayed from the Founders’ original intent of the Commerce Clause with ObamaCare. Forward progress must continue in the Supreme Court, as well as in Congress if we are to ultimately prevail in pulling this most grave threat to our liberty out by its roots.