by Javier Manjarres
The joint statement released by RPOF Chairman candidates Dave Bitner and Deborah Cox-Roush is in response to an anonymous and bogus email sent out yesterday purportedly by the group MADD out of Tampa, Florida. This email attack is the latest in a string of cowardly anonymous attacks that from all indications originates from a known political operative out of the Tampa Bay area with local GOP and Democrat ties. Bozo, we know who you are, and who you are ‘in-bed’ with.
From Marc ‘The Capo” Caputo at the Miami Herald:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The latest anonymous mailer sent to voting members of the Republican Party of Florida is reprehensible and goes over the line. There is no place for personal attacks in this election and those responsible are engaging in actions beneath all that the Republican Party symbolizes and represents.
This election is about the future of our party and nothing more. We condemn any candidate embracing the politics of personal destruction and invite everyone running to publicly pledge to stick to the issues and sharing ideas that will further the success of our party.”
Dave Bitner and Deborah Cox Roush