by Javier Manjarres

Here is Ros’ letter of support for Cox-Roush:
Dear Fellow State Committee Members:
I write you today to endorse and express my full support to our current Vice Chairman Deborah Cox-Roush in her campaign to become our next party chairman.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.My decision to do this is not one that I take lightly, as I have never publically endorsed in any such race in my almost 20 years as State Committeewoman. Several factors, however, have prompted me to make my support public, which I do so with pride and enthusiasm.
Deborah is a strong leader. I have seen her in action, and I can say that when she speaks or makes decisions as chairman of her county Republican Party, she does so with sincerity and in the party’s best interest. I have observed how her party has grown under her leadership in size, determination, and fundraising. Being from a large, urban county myself, I understand the difficulty of not only recruiting and retaining members, but also keeping them actively engaged. It takes a strong leader with commitment, and Deborah has proven herself as one.
Deborah is courageous. Her record proves that she is not afraid to tackle difficult or politically risky situations, as she had the courage to be one of the first to confront Jim Greer over his recklessness and for attempting to usurp the will of Republican primary voters. Being from the home county of Senator Rubio, I am personally grateful to her for having the courage to stand up for the right thing at the right time, and serving as Vice Chairman during a complicated transitional period.Deborah is tough. These recent mean-spirited attacks against her have only cemented my support. They are personal, they distract from the issues that matter, they send a really bad message given that they are being directed at the one woman in the race, and most importantly, they do not speak to her record or abilities as chairman. Party chairmen have always dealt with difficult situations, which is why we need someone who will handle them like she has this—unshaken, poised and focused on what’s important.
Words are heard and oftentimes forgotten, but actions leave a lasting impact. So because her record confirms that she is a tough, courageous, and conservative Republican leader, I am proud to support Deborah Cox-Roush for Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, and encourage my fellow state committee members to do the same.
Liliana Ros
State Committeewoman, Miami-Dade County
CD-21 Chairman