You may have seen the recent political TV advertisement paid for the Florida Democratic Party entitled “Law Enforcement” which features several members of Florida law enforcement advising the public that “Florida cannot trust Rick Scott as Governor”. One of those members of law enforcement, Martin County Sheriff Robert Crowder, is even identified as a “Republican”- perhaps of the Charlie Crist variety, but I digress.
Here’s the transcript of the commercial:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Take it from Florida Law Enforcement, Rick Scott’s ads about Alex Sink are totally false.”
Newspapers across Florida have called Rick Scott’s ads “deceptive” and “smears”.
We trust Alex Sink to protect Floridians and our money.That’s why Florida’s Law Enforcement organizations have endorsed Alex Sink for Governor.
Rick Scott’s company was guilty of record Medicare Fraud, ripping off seniors and taxpayers.
Rick Scott couldn’t be trusted as a CEO, and Florida can’t trust Rick Scott as Governor.”
Now, it’s one thing for Law Enforcement to say that Rick Scott were “soft on crime” on matters or issues relating to law enforcement (actually, the opposite is true, he is a supporter of tougher enforcement of existing immigration law and supports the reform of the prison system.) Instead, these members of law enforcement are shills for the exact same attacks that Alex Sink has been making- especially Scott’s HCA-fraud case, a matter in which Scott was never named in or deposed, not to mention the fact that the charge of “Fraud” was a very questionable allegation to begin with.
There would be no problem with this commercial if Law Enforcement were supporting Sink based on issues relating to law enforcement. Instead, they come across for supporters of the failed Obama Agenda, telling us that Sink can be trusted to “protect our money”? Like with the failed “Stimulus” Plan and ObamaCare legislation she supported?There’s certainly nothing unusual when Florida Law Enforcement agencies and its officers weigh in on elections and lend their support to their preferred candidates. However, it is ill advised for those same members of law enforcement use their both their names as well as the respect and credibility that is due to law enforcement agencies to carry the water of the political candidates they support and lend their credibility to claims that have nothing to do with law enforcement– claims that are highly dubious at best. It’s probable that these members of law enforcement who appear in the commercial didn’t bother to research these specific issues (HCA, Sink’s fiscal responsibility, etc.), otherwise they may not have lent their credibility to very partisan claims.
Another misleading aspect of the ad is that it implies that “Florida Law Enforcement” speaks with a single voice for Alex Sink, when Rick Scott has his own set of endorsements lined up from the other “Florida Law Enforcement”.
The Shark Tank’s well-honed fin does not take a back seat to those wizards of smart at either Politifact or to We rate this political commercial paid for the Florida Democrat Party “way out of bounds” in support of claims that are “specious, at best.”