Yet another congressional race that is very much in play here in Florida but not garnering substantial media attention is the race for the seat in the 3rd Congressional District, currently held by Corrine Brown, the district’s representative since 1992.
Dick Morris recently featured the FL-3 Race and Yost’s campaign on his blog, highlighting the race as one of a handful of others across the country that he classified as “winnable” for Republicans if the Yost campaign were able summon the resources to compete on the airwaves in the closing weeks of the campaign. Polls show Brown below the critical 50 percent mark, with Yost trailing by only a 49-43 margin.Brown, aka Congresswoman “Sandbag”, you may recall ordered Jacksonville city officials to deliver sandbags to her home to protect her from rising flood waters caused by Tropical Storm Fay, receiving very preferential treatment from the city that her neighbors who were in similar distress did not receive.
Yost Communications Director Jen Millikin issued the following statement to the Shark Tank regarding the Yost Campaign:
Check out Mike’s website at, contribute to his campaign, and help him close strong – he is a conservative stalwart and man of principle that will represent the 3rd Congressional District very well. Let’s not let this seat slip away!take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Mike Yost has been working hard over the last 18-months to show the good people of the 3rd Congressional District that leadership matters. From Jacksonville to Orlando, Democrat, Republican and unaffiliated voters are all asking the same question this election cycle. When it comes to leading the way on important issues like unemployment, education and crime: Where is Corrine Brown?
With a robust field plan in place, our team canvasses area neighborhoods to talk about Mike Yost’s 25-25-25 reduction proposal. Folks are excited to hear a candidate with a real plan to improve in each of these vital areas to make the 3rd Congressional District a better place to live, work and raise a family. People district-wide are fed up with our opponent’s politics as usual attitude, and are looking for an independent voice to represent them in Washington.”