by Javier Manjarres

West called the mailer “an unprecedented new low in American politics.” (Palm Beach Post-George Bennett)
Florida Democratic Party spokesman Eric Jotkoff responded by accusing West of “paranoia” and adding: “After making every effort to remove all of Allen West’s private information, unlike West who refuses to apologize to Florida’s taxpayers for not paying his taxes and his bills, we apologize for the oversight of not redacting this information from the public record included in the mailer. To end, while this mail piece does not explicitly identify any Social Security number, in order to stop the crazy West accusations, we will pay for identify theft monitoring for the next two years.” (Palm Beach Post-George Bennett)
Nice job of defending the indefensible, Eric.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
ICYMI- Allen West called out the Florida Democrat Party last week in vintage West form.