Yours truly, El Sharko flew back down to Orlando from the FreedomWorks’ BlogCon meeting to attend the RPOF quarterly meeting on Friday. This quarterly meeting is the ‘center of the universe’ for Republicans in Florida, and this particular meeting was just that much more special considering both the political climate and the fact that it is the first meeting since the August primaries. The top political poobahs in attendence were Rick Scott, Jennifer Carroll, Marco Rubio, Gov. Haley Barbour, Pam Bondi,Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, as well as many others. Several of us reporter types cornered Marco Rubio for a quick Q & A session where he expressed his appreciation to Erick Erickson of Redstate, FreedomWorks and his favorite blog of them all–well sorta.
Rubio’s still plugged into the Conservative Blogosphere(VIDEO)