by Javier Manjarres
Readers of the Shark Tank know that I, ‘EL SHARKO’ am very reluctant to talk about myself in this space, but a important matter has surfaced from the depths that forces me to address all my friends, supporters, readers of the Shark Tank, and otherwise obsessed/infatuated individuals about a recent campaign that is bent on trying to smear my well-honed fin. I am almost in tears to consider that someone cares this much about me, that they would go through such monetary expense, and expend so much time on little ol’ me, Maha-Sharkie.The matter that El Sharko refer to is this- a dossier containing a complete public records search on yours truly was mailed out by one of my number one fan(s), a mass mailing that might otherwise discourage a less tenacious and perspicacious shark, but instead brought a very big smile to my face. For those of you who do come in possession of the dossier, remember that there are two sides to every story, and Alinskyite tactics such as this will not stop the Shark Tank from being read- in fact it could have the exact opposite effect and cause our readership to grow across the country. The Shark Tank’s die-hard fans know that we always get our facts straight, we are not bashful about providing our opinions or our positions on the issues, and we have no qualms about ruffling someone’s scales when necessary 😉
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
What’s really newsworthy here is that this little mailer I speak of was sent out to all the Broward Executive Committee (BREC) members via the BREC’s private mailing list– proof positive that exposing flawed GOP and Democrat candidates is well worth it and necessary, but also comes at a price. The fact remains that I, El Sharko, am not a candidate, I am a private citizen, a blogger, and member of the media who wants a strong Republican Party that is anchored by principles, not a Party that more loyal to the narrow short-term interests of the BREC’s leadership that seems more interested in returning to power for power’s sake.
We must ask ourselves, who on the BREC could have divulged the list? There are only a few people who had access to the private email list within the BREC. The second major question is who exactly is complicit in creating and distributing the materials within the mailer– the person(s) who was given the BREC’s mailing list?
Submitted for your review, here are some current and past members of the BREC that could be responsible for leaking the private mail list. Another interesting point that I will make is that every single member that I mention were/still are staunch Charlie Crist supporters and Bill McCollum supporters:LaMarca is the former BREC Chairman and long time Charlie Crist supporter. Chip now says he will support the Republican candidate in the race, yet refuses to wear the candidates lapel sticker. LaMarca has long butted heads with members of the BREC and is currently running for a seat on the Broward County Commission.
Cindy Guerra
Guerra is the current BREC Chairwoman and is the Asst. Attorney General under current AG, Bill McCollum. She is on the record of saying that she agrees with Chad Lincoln’s slanderous remark on Lt.Kottkamp’s Facebook page. Is that still the case, Ms. Guerra?
DeNapoli is the current BREC secretary and President of the Greater Hollywood GOP Club. DeNapoli once stated that he served in the Marine Corps, but later restated his position when he told fellow members that he really washed out of the Marine Corps after a few weeks in basic training. DeNapoli was also in the limelight when he as filmed at the infamous ‘DWS’ shooting incident shooting an assault weapon.
Activist group that is ran by Karin Hoffman-recent BREC member. DC Works touts its grassroots organization and effective campaigning, yet has failed to show any tangible results. They have also endorsed Robert Lowry for Congress, but unfortunately they did not properly vetting this compromised candidate outside of his policy positions, and he is likely to lose his primary. Hoffman is a recent BREC member that is trying to position herself as the next BREC Chairwoman.
The Lowry for Congress Campaign is very much in the spotlight here, because their campaign advisor and donor, Charles ‘Chad’ Lincoln has recently posted almost identical accusations about El Sharko on his Facebook page as well as others’. This fact makes for a very strong likelihood that the Lowry for Congress Campaign is complicit and/or culpable in this little endeavor.
As the Shark Tank has meticulously posted Robert Lowry’s campaign snafus in some recent articles, Lincoln’s continuous threats and rants in defense of Lowry would lead any reasonable person to believe that this mailer is his own doing. Voters in District 20 should ask the Lowry Campaign- do you take responsibility for the actions of your chief advisor? Do you condone this type of behavior and will you condemn these actions and ask Mr. Lincoln to make a retraction and a public apology?
In politics, ‘respectable’ candidates take responsibility for their own actions and the actions of their team. I wouldn’t encourage others to hold their breath for the Lowry Campaign to take any responsibility for these thug tactics that are aimed to silence, but then again, politics is known for its never-ending surprises.
Here is but one of recent postings by Mr. Lincoln that would lead one to believe that he was responsible for the mysterious mailer.This Shark Tank attack by Javier Manjarres is one more yellow propaganda effort from JM, who besides from political drivel, we now learn has been charged with woman beating, burglary, FEC violations and now…yes now we hear a sexual predator against woman”– Chad Lincoln, posted August 3, 2010
All this will not matter if Robert Lowry loses his primary election on August 24, but why he has waged such a thin-skinned campaign with scorched-earth tactics aimed to silence his critics in the conservative media defies comprehension. While he has conservative positions on the issues, his character and judgement have been found lacking in numerous instances.
There have been far too many instances of BREC irresponsibility and cronyism over the years, and from the looks of it, the BREC will continue to be led by establishment types who only aim to please their superiors and will engage in dishonorable tactics if necessary. Broward Republicans need to ask- Who is really in charge of the Broward GOP, and will they ever learn that their use of strong-arm Alinsky-style tactics- the same ones Obama has trademarked- only bring embarrassment and shame to the local GOP? Does the current BREC leadership condone this type of attack on one of their own members?Since it appears that the Lowry Campaign believes the congressional race in CD-20 is really between Robert Lowry and ‘EL SHARKO’ himself, the Shark Tank is conducting a poll for the Republican Primary in CD-20. Whom would you support?
Here is some light reading to keep everyone up to speed of who Robert Lowry really is. XOXO
Tea Party Candidate Robert Lowry- Does He Have the Character for Congress?
Lowry’s Compromised Campaign Nets a Bizarre Endorsement
Florida GOP Congressional Candidate Robert Lowry Served With Lawsuit – FYI, the lawsuit was not thrown out as Lowry predicted it would be
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