As we actively swim throughout the progressive channels of the netroots here in Florida and across the country, the Shark Tank will every now and then find some chum that is worth bringing to the surface before we devour it whole. Tonite’s piece of red meat is served up fresh by the Reid Report, as they were busy discounting the serious threat of Radical Islam and nitpicking about Allen West.
Here’s the money quote:One thing West did say that is true, is that what we have to worry about is “an ideology that is totalitarian, theocratic, political and imperialistic in nature.” It’s called the American right wing.
How cheeky! The “American Right Wing” and its ‘totalitarian’ ideology, hmmmm. I suppose one can write a full length book in response to such an insipid and ignorant comment such as this one, but musings such as these are par for the course for the leftist blogosphere these days, as they are almost unwilling to compete in the arena of ideas to defend their policies as compatible with the Constitution, free markets, or a truly free people.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Even as their hero-in-chief, Barrack H. Obama, imposes his statist political objectives on an ever more disapproving electorate – healthcare mandates, cap and trade, amnesty for illegals, unsustainable government spending, new entitlements, so called “stimulus” plans and bailouts that went right to his constituency groups, his appointment of avowed Communists and other progressive ideologues (Van Jones), the revival of the “Fairness Doctrine” and the misleadingly named “Net Neutrality”, Barack H. Obama is using one coercive measure after another as he crams down his neo-Marxist/socialist/fascist ideology on a public that now is beginning to see through his emperor’s clothes- and through the progressive rhetoric that masks his true intentions.
And yet, the “American Right Wing”, with its reverence and respect for the Constitution, free markets, and limited government, is the “totalitarian ideology” in the eyes of the Reid Report. For the record, the “American Right Wing” is perfectly happy & content for the bloggers @ the Reid Report to spew their nonsense (albeit disappointed that such ignorance abounds)- but please, we’d encourage them to take a look at the Constitution and our founding documents to see just how completely incompatible those liberty-enabling monuments are with the statism that you are too busy cheerleading and providing cover for. It is the the leftist blogosphere who are are enablers of the soft tyranny that is now manifesting itself that will ultimately lead to our ruin. The “American Right Wing” is interested in governing under the limitations provided by our Constitution, whereas the Left is much more interested in ruling by ignoring it.
The Reid Report- what decades of indoctrination in public schools can’t accomplish to completely marginalize the Constitution and American heritage in the minds of the perpetually aggrieved, they will finish. Check ’em out! (not).