by Javier Manjarres
The nation of Israel has long considered its true capital to be the city of Jerusalem. All three of the branches of the Israeli government, the judicial, legislative and executive branches are wholly situated within Jerusalem. However, the global community, along with the U.N, and even the United States, do not recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and instead recognize Tel Aviv as the nation’s ‘political’ capital. As a result, no country has located its embassy within Jerusalem, choosing Tel Aviv instead. Back in 1947, the U.N passed a resolution stating that Jerusalem was an ‘international city’ and that East Jerusalem is ‘illegally’ occupied by Israel. (VIDEO)
But times have changed, and so has our government. President Barack Hussein Obama has turned everything upside down by receiving the representative of the Hamas controlled government and President of the Palestinian people, Mahmoud Abbas, thus giving legitimacy to terrorist organizations.
No major elected official or candidate has called for the acknowledgment of Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel- until now. At a recent speaking engagement in Boca Raton, Florida where he addressd the Republican Jewish Coalition Marco Rubio said this-
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After the event, Rubio took a few minutes to answer my questions. Watch the video here: