Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist. Diverse New Media, Corp. publishes Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. He ran as a Republican in the 2018 congressional primary race in Florida's CD 22. Javier is also a political consultant, and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Learn more at www.brownpeople.org Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com
The Democrats’ Great White (Tanned?) Hope- Charlie Crist
The plot continues to thicken in the U.S. Senate race as Independent/Democrat Governor Charlie ‘The Chuckster” Crist has been sending out S.O.S. signals in all directions to anyone still listening in a last-ditch attempt to save his sinking campaign. And it appears that there are big shots in the Democrat Party who are more than just a little bit interested in resuscitating Charlie’s failed bid for the Republican nomination. Recall last year when Charlie consummated his love affair with Democrat President Obama when he endorsed BHO’s failed ‘Porkulus plan” with a giant man-hug for the ages in Fort Myers, Florida.
Since then, Crist’s popularity has plummeted due to several factors- his shiftiness and a lack of coherent political philosophy, the failure of the aforementioned Stimulus plan, and then culminated by the ultimate act of betrayal towards the Party which made and propelled his career in politics. Combine these factors with the rising unemployment rate in Florida and his broken promise to not raise taxes, and you have Crist’s campaign drifting down that proverbial excrement creek.In the run up to last March’s debate with Republican candidate Marco Rubio, Crist had been trying to buff up his “Conservatism”, as he claimed he was a conservative in the mold of Ronald Reagan. Crist also made it a point to proclaim his undying loyalty to the Republican Party, promising that he would stay in the Senate race as a Republican during that same Fox News Sunday debate. Subsequent to that debate, Crist has shed enormous amount of credibility, as the now infamous promise he made to Fox News anchor Chris Wallace- not to mention the national television audience- turned out to be promise he almost certainly never intended to keep. If there is an aspect of Charlie’s political career that has remained consistent, it’s his inconsistency. Charlie’s unpredictability and his extensive list of broken promises- from pledges not to increase taxes, his flip-flops on offshore Oil drilling, and his ever changing stand on abortion , Crist has taken the politics of meaninglessness to a whole new level.
However, I believe Charlie’s strategy to nakedly pander the political center is a very smart move on his part. All of the newfound positions that Charlie has staked out of late directly appeal to the Democrat base, and they were always in support of some of the liberal aspects of Charlie’s agenda in the past. And it’s also true that Kendrick Meek, the likely Democrat nominee, will have a very hard time garnering votes among Dixie-crats who are set in their ways and would rather vote for someone they can ‘relate’ with- that someone being Crist.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
We are now witnessing the beginnings of the Democrat Party’s duplicitous strategy to support Crist and abandon one of their own, Kendrick Meek. As reported in Newsmax, Senator Harry Reid has already reached out to Crist, and there is additional D.C. based buzz that Democrat operatives and the White House are already working against Meek by reaching out to Crist behind the scenes. Allow me a moment of shameless self promotion here, but I’ve been saying for over a year and half that Charlie Crist really is a Democrat, and he has pulled the wool over the eyes of the Republican Party for almost his entire career.
There are also other interesting angles that are starting to come into focus in this race. The first one involves Crist’s longtime buddy, the fire-breathing liberal kook himself, Robert Wexler. The now former Congressman Wexler, Democrat from Maryland, and Governor Crist have had a
longstanding mutually beneficial relationship that has enabled each of them to operate under the veneer of “bipartisanship” when they combine their efforts, but it’s always been done in the name of very dubious causes. They’ve also travelled together on several overseas “trade” missions for no explicable reason. Will we see Wexler come down to South Florida to endorse and stump for his ol’ buddy Charlie in places that would never, ever consider voting for a Republican unless good ol’ Bobby gave those condo grannies his blessing?
Another angle to consider is Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s possible involvement in this contentious race. Wasserman-Schultz, who has been cheerleading for in no uncertain terms for Kendrick Meek, could be ordered to quietly, or even openly, support Crist if and when a deal is struck between the administration and the Crist campaign. You may say this allegation is beyond the pale, but I dare say this because there can no longer be any doubt at this juncture that Charlie Crist is in politics solely for himself, for no one else and for no larger cause. Charlie Crist’s rationale for his candidacy has been reduced to nothing more than naked political ambition and self preservation.Marco Rubio by contrast, has articulated a compelling case for his candidacy throughout this campaign by standing firm on critical principles; he’s put forth a specific platform free of ambiguity; he has been unafraid to take bold positions on controversial issues when necessary, and perhaps most importantly, he does not disrespect the electorate by treating them as if they were dumb as rocks, clearly recognizing that voters have had it with political doublespeak and deception, and are demanding direct accountability.
The bottom line is that a vote for Charlie Crist = a vote for Barack Obama and his socialist, prosperity robbing agenda. Support Marco Rubio, the clear alternative, for U.S. Senate.