The highly anticipated fireworks at Monday night’s Broward Republican Executive Committee started off with a bang, but ended with a dud. The first order of business was the Chairman and Vice Chairman’s election to the Committee. Many in the room, including myself, have been doubtful about how fairly the election would be conducted. That doubt turned out to be rightly justified during the process of electing the new Chairman, when now former Chairman Chip LaMarca did not acknowledge a motion from floor to table the election. The motion in question was then seconded, and LaMarca immediately addressed another motion rather than dealing with the first motion to table the election. The motion to table the election was within the rules, so it is a mystery as to why it was ignored. Be that as it may, the motion to table the election was recinded by the member who called for it in the first place. After about 10-15 minutes of bickering back and forth with both sides pleading their case, the election took place.
Later on, Vice Chairman Cindy Guerra won the Chairman position over BREC member Tim McClellan by an overwhelming majority. From what I understand, several conference calls were conducted between ‘the powers that be’ in the BREC, and several other prospective candidates for the positions were voted on last night. So one could say that the fix could have been in, or maybe not. At any rate, the candidates that the poobahs wanted to win, wound up winning.
As always, many candidates like Allen West, Karen Harrington, Robert Lowry, David Maymon, Yomin Postelink, and Brian Reilly were in attendance. Brian Reilly, candidate for Congress is District 20, announced the support he received from New Media guru from and Big, Andrew Breitbart.
Hopefully, the new Committee will embrace the new members that were read on last night, as well as the future members that will be read on. These new members will have a vital role to play in shaping the party’s future, and they will be key to winning Republican seats in Broward County and across the state.