One of direct consequences of our nation’s open borders policy are the high rates of crime committed by and the incarceration of illegal immigrants who have taken advantage of our lax border security and the willfully negligent non-enforcement of our immigration law. Apologists for illegal immigration remind us ad nauseum that vast majorities of illegal immigrants are not criminals, are here to work, and continue to obey the law once here (except of course our immigration laws, which were broken upon their arrival here).
However, for these same apologists to deny that there is a significant criminal element associated with the total illegal population- one that is only growing – is simply to deny reality. Spikes in the reported numbers of murders, rapes, batteries, kidnappings, and vehicular homicides committed by illegal immigrants are the documented facts that only the invincibly ignorant can continue to ignore. And it’s these same numbers that are heightening the awareness of increasing numbers of Americans to the serious consequences of an open borders policy, as well as motivating their insistence that our elected officials stop with their meaningless rhetoric or the pointless half-measures they’ve typically proposed to deal with an issue that they would much prefer to ignore.Predictably, the spike in the illegal crime wave affects the cities and metro areas in closest proximity to the southern border. Among the most noteworthy incidents are kidnappings that have taken place within the city of Phoenix, in all likelihood perpetrated by Mexican drug gangs. These kidnappings that have been reported by various national media outlets, the same national media which have been reluctant at best to accurately report on the more gruesome crimes associated with illegal aliens. With the Federal Border Patrol both understaffed and overwhelmed by the sheer masses of illegal immigrants, and the Federal Government unwilling to enforce Federal Immigration Law already on the books, local law enforcement is often the last line of defense.
One local law enforcement official who has set the standard for effective immigration enforcement is Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Taking up the lead on this issue, and in spite of the numerous vocal critics who condemn his tactics, he has instructed his deputies to strictly enforce existing federal immigration laws without apology. He has asked for, and is receiving assistance from Federal Immigration officials in the form of training for his deputies about federal immigration law and the enforcement of those laws. Sheriff Arpaio has gained national attention for his efforts and his set a standard for law enforcement agencies across the country with regards to illegal immigration control. Sheriff Arpaio’s bold stand and success with regards to immigration enforcement appears to be serving as a catalyst for other local law enforcement agencies across the country to start enforcing federal immigration law within their own jurisdictions.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Curious, I decided to probe what local law enforcement in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties are doing to curb illegal immigration. I attempted to contact both the Miami-Dade Police and to the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO). After repeated efforts to speak with anyone within the BSO who was willing to speak on the record about how the BSO deals with illegal immigrants, I ultimately gave up and took their reticence as a clear indicator that they were not enforcing Federal immigration law.
I then contacted the Miami-Dade Police department, and at the very least, they must be commended for being forthcoming to me with regards to detailing their policies for dealing with illegal immigrants. That said, the Department’s passivity towards enforcing immigration law is most disappointing. According to Miami-Dade Police spokesman Detective Alvaro Zabaleta, the department will not get involved whatsoever in the enforcement of federal immigration law because, according to him, the police do not want to lose the trust of its citizens. “The Miami-Dade Police department is a law enforcement agency. It will enforce all laws within its jurisdiction and arrest all lawbreakers, whether or not they are an illegal immigrant or a US citizen,” Zabaleta explained.
What this department-speak means in very real terms is that the Miami-Dade Police are not going to attempt to enforce Federal immigration law.(***This can also be interpreted in that any and all laws on the books are enforceable. So if Tallahassee can get its act together and pass a law mandating local law enforcement agencies to enforce immigration law, then that law will be enforced. At least the Miami-Dade Police seems to be up to the task
My take is that there are so many illegal immigrants that, the police need them to help report and solve crimes. “If the immigrants are in fear of being arrested, they will not assist law enforcement”.
Detective Zabaleta did tell me that Miami-Dade Police assists agencies like ICE on raids and other federal immigration issues. I asked him, if approached by officials higher up in the food chain to broaden the department’s immigration enforcement, would it comply?
The answer was a big ‘maybe’. This would be a judgment call that will have to be made by Police Director Robert L. Parker. Director Parker was not available for comment.
In Miami-Dade County, there are approximately 3000 individuals affiliated with gangs. According to the gang unit, gang activity and membership is down. The unit has been very active in infiltrating and breaking up gang activity. What I also learned was that the notorious MS 13, the murderous Salvadorian drug gang, has peaked it’s head out in Miami. The agency boasts that it has MS 13, as well as the other gangs, under constant pressure and confinement.This is good to know.
The illegal immigration issue is not going away. This issue will need to be addressed by both law enforcement and elected officials. We need to start taking a very closer look at what is going on at our border and the consequences are in our neighborhoods.***)