Hillary Clinton has always asserted the position in favor of campaign finance reform, and has promoted measures to keep candidates from using federal campaign dollars for unneeded personal use. Remember, Clinton pledged a constitutional amendment to end Citizens United. I won’t go into the fact that her campaign spent a ton of her own campaign money to investigate Donald Trump using very questionable, possible Russian sources, to ascertain a deep-dive dossier to try to diminish Trump. Wait, I just did.
Now Clinton is pushing for the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) to allow candidates running for public office to “use campaign funds for childcare” when they are campaigning.What will Clinton propose next? Will she campaign for the FEC to allow candidates to use campaign funds to pay for a dog walker, or a company that offers pet “poop” disposal services?
God bless her. She is trying so hard to stay somewhat relevant after he crushing defeat at the hands of the American people in 2016.
Can you imagine how different our policies would be if more working moms and dads were part of making them? That's why I'm calling on the FEC to allow candidates to use campaign funds for childcare when they’re on the trail. https://t.co/Di6eQtKLcQ
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