Americans in Florida keep winning under the leadership of Governor Rick Scott and the Republican-led Florida legislature.
The Florida Senate joined its colleagues over in the House of Representatives by passing HJR 7001, a measure that would prevent future lawmakers from being able to raise taxes and fees on Floridians.“I want to thank Senate President Joe Negron, Speaker Richard Corcoran and the entire Florida Legislature for voting to approve HJR 7001 and put on the ballot a constitutional amendment that will make it harder for politicians to raise taxes for Florida families. We have cut taxes more than 80 times since I’ve been in office because we know that Florida families and businesses succeed when we put their tax dollars back in their pockets. I look forward to this important amendment being on the ballot to protect families from unfair tax increases.”–Gov. Rick Scott
Speaker Corcoran, who is expected to run for governor shortly after the legislative session ends, continues to push his pro-Florida, pro-taxpayer accomplishments during his tenure as Speaker of the Florida House of representatives.
Together with @FLGovScott, we've cut taxes more than 80 times, totaling over $10 billion. Now, we're putting a check on Tallahassee politicians, so it's harder for them to raise taxes in the future. Tax savings we passed will be staying in your pocket for years to come! #Flapol
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