Michael Cahill is a Democratic member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives and he has a very interesting suggestion about how to to deal with the disabled in the state. He thinks they should be euthanized!
I thought Democrats generally wanted more people so they can tax them but seemingly this representative is a decedent of Hilter.He said:
Since we are refusing to raise revenues to fund needed programs, to fund disabled, for example, have you looked at euthanasia?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
That was during a legislative debate on the budget in March.
House Speaker, Shawn Jasper was quick to call Cahill out of order and said his comments were inappropriate.
Cahill in the meantime blamed his emotions for the outburst because the Republicans were not allowing any new taxes.He said he apologized because it was a:
poor choice of words.