Seen as one of the most controversial bills the House Judiciary Committee has taken up, HB 7111 if passed, would allow private adoption agencies to deny adoptions that violate the agencies religious preferences.
Gay rights advocates are comparing this bill to Indiana’s religious freedom law saying it is discriminating against gay residents in Florida.Florida has had similar religious freedom laws on the books for years. In the past Florida has repeatedly passed laws that favored business owners over their consumers and have allowed the owners to run their businesses as they see fit.
The bill states the following:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.(18) (a) A private child-placing agency is not required to perform, assist in, recommend, consent to, or participate in the placement of a child when the proposed placement would violate the agency’s written religious or moral convictions or policies.
It continues to say if the adoption agency decides not to place a child in a gay couples home due to their religious convictions they will not be held accountable by the state.
Supporters of the bill have said it is against their religious beliefs to support same sex couples and approving same sex clients to adopt a child would encourage their actions.Up until 2010 Florida banned homosexuals from adopting children entirely. That ban was in effect for 33 years and ultimately found to be unconstitutional.
Opponents to the current bill feel it is not any different and it should be deemed as unconstitutional as well.
You can read the full proposed bill here: HB 7111