I really don’t know how Senator Rubio contained himself during a press conference in Miami, when a reporter asked him how he could support his current position on Cuba.
According to the reporter, who cited a recent Florida International University poll conducted on normalizing relations with Cuba, the “super majority of Cuban Americans” do not support the existing U.S.-Cuba foreign policy.Rubio shot back at the reporter, answering his question with several mic-dropping questions of his own.
Reporter: How is it do you take a position that is contrary to the super majority of your constitiuents?
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Sen. Marco Rubio:Â We have a poll every two years in this state, its called elections. As far as I can tell, everyone of our members of Congress that’s been elected in those districts agrees with my position, and I with their position on this issue.
Where is the pro-embargo, or anti-embargo congressperson from the very district you said was polled? I think that’s the ultimate poll.
I think people have spoken, and tomorrow if people want a Castro appeaser to be their next Senator or their next congressperson, they”’ have the right to do that, I suppose.
Watch the exchange on video.
Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul thinks Obama’s new Cuba policy is a “good idea.” Read more here.
Read more about Cuba here. Also, you can watch Rubio’s press conference remarks here