Democrat gubernatorial nominee Charlie Crist has received the full-throated endorsement of the Planned Parenthood PAC for his change in position on Abortion, as well as his support for women’s rightr, and his unabeited support of the Democrat-created Republican “War on Women”.
Here is what the Planned Parenthood PAC stated on their “Women Are Watching” website:Fighting for Equal Pay
Crist wants to see women treated fairly in the workplace. But in Florida, men make more than $7,000 annually than their female counterparts. That’s why he supports equal pay for equal work and says he will demand legislation to move forward on fair pay.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Charlie Crist has stood up for a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions. And that’s why we stand with him.
Protecting Survivors of Domestic Abuse
Crist also has consistently sided with women on issues of domestic violence prevention throughout his career. While serving as governor of Florida from 2007 to 2011, he signed numerous bills to offer protections for survivors of domestic violence, such as requiring employers to give leave to employees who have been abused.
Crist also supports the Violence Against Women Act, which helped reduce the rate of intimate partner violence by 64 percent in the first decade and a half after it was first passed.
But is Crist really all that concerned and invested in women’s rights, or his he just looking to win over the coveted women’s vote his November?
The Shark Tank recently reported that Crist accepted $90,000 in donations from the owners of several south Florida strip clubs. (More here)
Appearing on the local Miami CBS TV affiliate this weekend, Crist was asked by reporter Jim DeFede if he thought it was “appropriate” for him to return the “dirty” money, now that he was made aware of where it originated from.
Crist replied that the money was donated by a “management company,” and that “no’ he didn’t think it was appropriate of him to return it.Like most Floridians, who are familiar with Charlie Crist’s and his ever-evolving political ideology, the Republican Party of Florida has just released a video ad dinging Crist on his remarks about returning “dirty strip club cash”.
While strip clubs have a place in society for those who wish to engage in that sort of entertainment, the sad reality is that these places promote sex and human trafficking, exploits of women, and fuels domestic violence against women on a daily basis.
Many of these women are trafficked in by brokers, or pimps, who coral groups of girls, some willingly, from other countries like Russia and Brazil, simply to fill any personnel void these strip clubs may have.
This is simple prostitution, and Crist knows it. Considering that he supports the Violence Against Women Act, you would think that he would be against any form of abuse and exploitation against women, right?
Don’t expect Crist to return the money. Remember, he needs a title, and must win his governor’s race.