Ladies and gentlemen, I offer you the biggest lie of 2014, so far.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) has just stated that, ” Thanks to the law, over eight million people have quality health insurance.”This statement is patently false, considering that there is no way the Obama administration, or Wasserman Schultz can know how many Americans actually have health insurance plans, as a result of signing up for Obamacare.
But don’t take our word for it, just go read what Obama’s press secretary-The New York Times- has written about the enrollments.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The administration did not release two other crucial statistics that would help determine the success of the law: the number of people among the eight million who bought insurance for the first time and the number who paid their initial premiums.-NY Times
Wasserman Schultz- who is Obamacare’s loudest cheerleader and defender- has come out swinging against detractors of the Affordable Care Act, saying that Tea Party folks and others like them, have been driven “absolutely nuts” because of the millions of enrollees into Obamacare.
Bashing Republicans by calling them “obstructionists” and “extremists” for not supporting, and looking to defund President Obama’s legacy legislation, is nothing new for Wasserman Schultz.Republicans, like Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, have dismissed the numbers as not being accurate. Cruz recently called them “funny numbers” when it was learned that HHS “started” Obamacare applications for Americans without their knowledge or consent.
We anxiously wait, if and when the real number of paid-for health insurance plans will ever be released.
Here is ‘DWS’ email:
Dear Friend,Last November, a certain Senator from Utah confidently predicted that we “would never be able to meet [the Affordable Care Act’s] enrollment goals.”
Yet here we are, four years after President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act — and we’ve clearly met, if not exceeded, our enrollment goals. Thanks to the law, over eight million people have quality health insurance. And those facts drive the Tea Party absolutely nuts.
And if you’re one of the millions of Americans who’s fed up with the Tea Party’s ridiculous rhetoric, you can help by sending in $5 today.
I’m not going to allow these extremists to take us back to the days of people being denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, insurance companies canceling coverage when you get sick, or charging women a lot more simply because they are, in fact, women. But I need your help to keep fighting — can you spare $5 to keep our campaign growing strong?
The Affordable Health Care law is something we should all be really proud of. I know many of you understand what health care coverage means to millions of Americans. Thank you for standing with me and being part of our grassroots effort.Debbie