Former Congressman Allen West was in attendance at the Palm Beach Country Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner, where was asked to introduce the presentation of the colors.
West gave a short, yet inspiring portrayal of what the Republican Party stood for. West said that the GOP did not stand for the Grand Ole Party anymore, but that it stood for Growth, Opportunity and Prosperity.We believe in the individual. We believe in the indomitable American spirit. We believe in individualism and entrepreneurship that can cause us to be here together in this great hall, that can allow a young man from the inner city from Georgia to stand before you tonight. That is who we are.-Allen West
In typical West fashion, the former congressman manages to dress-down the Democrat Party.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The other side, instead of the physical bondage, now they believe in an economic bondage. The other side would have looked at this young man in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, would not have believed it was possible for me to stand before you this evening.
Vintage Allen West. Watch the video.