The controversy over the separation of illegal immigrant families at the U.S. southern border continues as more Democratic members of Congress are exploiting the matter for political gain.
Of course, Democrats are going to use this issue for political brownie points, this is what they do.Along with Senator Bill Nelson, a group of House Democrats, Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ted Deutch, Darren Soto and Frederica Wilson, spoke out about the tour they took of the Homestead shelter housing 1,179 illegal immigrant children.
The group condemned the separation of the children at the facility, a facility that President Barack Obama first opened in June 2016, but later closed after border crossings dropped significantly after Trump took office.
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This group, along with the rest of the Democratic Caucus in the House, refused to pass illegal immigration reform and address the DACA issue.
The facility has 88 children ages 6 to 12, but at two nearby His House Children’s Homes, it is reported that newborn babies to children up to 5 years old, are being housed, this according to the Miami Herald.
While we don’t like the idea that families are separated at the border, lawmakers need to focus on the bigger issue of why parents would risk the lives of their children by making the dangerous journey across the desert.The president did the right thing in penning an Executive Order to reunited separated illegal immigrant families, but this by no means gives a pass to those adults crossing over illegally.
Everyone crossing the border illegally needs to be vetted.
Does America want to become another Europe by allowing a criminal element into the country?
After European nations allowed droves of Syrian refugees into their respective countries, scores of radical Islamists hid amongst legitimate refugees, several of them later committing actions of terrorism.
Again, temporarily separating illegal immigrant families is a necessity for medical reasons, but their needs to be a time frame put in place.