The fabricated illegal immigration “crisis,” where parents and children are being supposedly being detained by Border Patrol along the U.S. southern border, has reached a fever pitch.
While Democrats are crying that President Trump, who is using the same immigration enforcement protocols as then-President Obama used during his term in office, is inhumanely caging children away from their parents.But according to the Trump Administration, of the 12,000 children trying to cross illegally from Mexico, 10,000 of them are unaccompanied.
If 10,000 are unaccompanied by an adult or parent, why wouldn’t they be detained in the manner that they are being held?
Where is the government supposed to house 12,000 illegal immigrants?We must always arrest people coming into our Country illegally. Of the 12,000 children, 10,000 are being sent by their parents on a very dangerous trip, and only 2000 are with their parents, many of whom have tried to enter our Country illegally on numerous occasions.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2018
We don’t have detention facilities large enough to hold these individuals, so the easiest thing to do is convert a warehouse or some large vacant facility into a temporary make-shift jail using chain-linked fencing.
First, who financed and sent these children on the long and dangerous road to the southern border to begin with?
Democrats have been quick to exploit this tragic situation for political gain. In other words, Democrats are campaigning of the backs of illegal immigrants, again.
No one likes to see people, let alone children being “caged,” but what is the alternative?
Returning to a policy that only adults with children are released would create an incentive to bring kids. Yes separating families is cruel,but so is a policy that encourages parents to bring their kids on a dangerous journey. Instead lets #DetainandMaintain families together
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) June 20, 2018
Congress is acting, and according to Florida Senator Marco Rubio, he and others are “finalizing” a bill that would allow families to be detained together while awaiting an “expedited hearing” of their respective immigration case.
“Led by @JohnCornyn a group of us are finalizing bill that will allow families to be held together pending expedited hearing. We can & must avoid BOTH creating incentive to unlawfully enter with children AND separating children from their parents.”–Sen. Marco Rubio
But while Rubio supports keeping families together, he warns that Americans need to avoid “creating incentive to unlawfully enter with children and separating children from their parents.
This “crisis” should come to no one’s surprise. Democrats always use wedge issues like Abortion and immigration reform during election season to deflect away from economic and foreign policy issues.Democrats lose on substantive economic issues, and seem to garner points on these controversial wedge issues.