The U.S. Senate race between Gov Rick Scott and Senator Bill Nelson begins to develop a Latin flavor to it, as both men have begun their push to garner the coveted Puerto Rican vote in Florida.
Both Nelson and Scott were front and center after Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017, but it appears that Scott could have the advantage over Nelson. No, it’s not because Scott speaks more Espanol than Nelson, rather most likely because of the economic turn-around and job creation boom he created since taking office in 2011.Nelson is trying his hardest to stave off any Rican momentum Scott has created, even fundraising for his re-election off the hurricane that all-but left that small island completely incapacitated after the storm moved through.
You read correctly. Nelson put out campaign fundraising asks blaming the recent storms, including Hurricanes Irma and Maria on global warming.
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Now Nelson is traversing the state speaking to as many Puerto Rican community leaders and attending as many Puerto Rico-centric events.
Look here:Beautiful day at the Puerto Rican Parade and Festival in Orlando! It’s an honor to march alongside local community leaders and war heroes in celebration of Puerto Rican culture, which help makes Florida the strong and diverse state it is today.
— Bill Nelson (@SenBillNelson) April 28, 2018
To win over Puerto Ricans, Nelson must also address the other Hispanics. Yes, there are other Hispanics living in the state that do not hail from ‘The PR,’ and taking strategic pictures alongside these individuals is not going to cut it.Great time visiting with local leaders from the Puerto Rican community in St. Lucie County today. We discussed the recovery efforts on the island, the need for more affordable housing here in Florida, and the need for more good-paying jobs so you don’t need more than one!
— Bill Nelson (@SenBillNelson) April 28, 2018
Hold on. This picture of Scott and I sampling Malta at Goya Foods in Miami a couple years back could help him. Nah.
This race will be about the state economy and jobs, not about who can take the most pictures with Hispanics, or who can speak the best Espanol.
Nelson is going to have to answer for his tax-hiking prowess, especially for his recent vote against the historic tax reform bill President Trump signed into law.
As you can imagine, Scott fully supports tax reform and praised the president for signing the bill.Advantage: Rick Scott