Apparently, Gov Rick Scott’s promise and goal to create 700,000 jobs in 7 years may have fallen short, but not really.
A recent Politifact column says that the 1.49 million “nonfarm jobs” were created “between the end of December 2010 and February 2018” of which 11,000 were additional government jobs, have been seasonally adjusted.After this “adjustment” by the federal bureau of Labor and Statistics, Scott will barely short of his goal.
How does that make sense?
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“So at this point, Scott remains 200,000 jobs short of his goal. Technically, his seven-year cutoff for this promise ended in January, with a total of 1.47 million added jobs. That means he fulfilled 86 percent of his promised jobs.”-Politifact
Talk about splitting hairs. In the end, 1.49 million jobs were created. That’s it.
More jobs will be created in the last year of his governorship, but that is not good enough for the media. The narrative that Democrats and the media are trying to paint here is that Rick Scott broke a campaign promise.I wonder if they are going to push a side-by-side comparison of Rick Scott’s job creation prowess with that of past Florida Democratic governors? Nope.