Wednesday afternoon, the While House held a bipartisan meeting to discuss gun-related school safety measures moving forward after the Parkland shooting that took the lives of 17 students. In attendance was Stephany Murphy, a Democratic U.S. Representative from Florida, who complimented President Trump by saying that she “was really heartened to hear the president open to a wide variety of solutions, because we owe it to our communities to do something and to act.”
President Trump is said to have gone after members of congress for being too “petrified of the NRA” in their attempt to find a solution to prevent future shootings from happening.
Murphy, who along with 130 others is sponsoring the Gun Violence Research Act, commented that the President made his “commitment” known to see reforms follow through. And, the bill she’s sponsoring, would see the Department of Health and Human Services allocate federal funds for gun control advocation. This is currently not allowed under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016.
She went on to explain that she understands “that good policy is based on good data and good information. Too often our conversation about preventing gun violence is ideologically driven, anecdotally driven. We need good data, good research to address this issue and make sure that our communities are safer. I’m really heartened to see that since the Parkland shooting that this bill has become a bipartisan bill.”