That’s right. According to Cuban State media, Fidel Castro’s “mini me” oldest son killed himself after suffering from deep depression.
He bore a striking resemblance to his father, which earned him the nickname Fidelito, or Little Fidel.Diaz-Balart was born in 1949 and brought to the United States in the 1950s after his parents divorced. His mother’s family had ties to the Batista government, which Castro would eventually overthrow. As a result, the former Cuban leader wanted his son kept from his ex-wife’s family, leading to an ongoing custody battle over the boy.
“I refuse even to think that my son may sleep a single night under the same roof sheltering my most repulsive enemies and receive on his innocent cheeks the kisses of those miserable Judases,” Castro wrote to his half-sister Lidia in 1956.
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While Castro was in Mexico preparing for the guerrilla war, he convinced his ex-wife to send Fidelito to visit him for two weeks. Once the boy was there however, Castro refused to send him back. Later, while the boy was out for a walk with Castro’s sisters, three armed men in a car grabbed Diaz-Balart so he could be reunited with his mother.
As an adult Diaz-Balart rose to the top post at Cuba’s Atomic Energy Commission before his father removed him for unpublicized reasons in the early 1990s.-Fox
If the late “Fidelito” Castro’s last name sounds familiar, it should. Diaz-Balart is related to former Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart and current Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart from Miami, Florida.Castro’s wife Mirta Diaz-Balart is the aunt of Mario and Lincoln Diaz-Balart.
Don’t expect the two brothers to be grieving over “Fidelito.”