For years, congressional Democrats have been pushing for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants living in the U.S.
Their dream to legalize these immigrants began when President Obama signed off on granting legal immigration status to some 800,000 children that were brought to this country illegally by their parents.Now that he is calling the shots from the Oval Office, President Trump has decided to temporarily table Obama’s immigration measure, leaving the decision solely up to the U.S. Congress to negotiate.
So, with the power to pass comprehensive and bipartisan pro-DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program), and with President Trump and Republicans in the congress ready to act on it, Democrats are threatening to shut it all down by insisting that congress draft and pass broader blanket form of amnesty for all illegal immigrants, not just the kids.
Yes, there is a bipartisan bill on the table, but it appears to include the broader immigration reform proposal that extends further than the 800,000 children. This is the where Republicans are pushing back against the Democrats.DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don’t really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military.
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If Democrats shut down the federal government over DACA or immigration reform political momentum will probably swing against them in states they hoped to pick up congressional seats in.